BHRC Elections


The next BHRC AGM is set to be held in March of 2024. As our members will be aware the current board is made up of 6 directors meaning that as per the constitution one third (two) will be required to stand down.

The positions of both chairman and vice chairman are also vacant at this time along with the positions of regional steward for Scotland, England and Wales.

We welcome candidates to put their name forward for any of the above positions as well as any candidates for the role of director.

The deadline for applications will be Wednesday 31st of January at which point candidates due for re-election will also need to confirm their willingness to stand.

Any new candidate should apply in writing and be proposed by a member of the BHRC including a brief profile of themselves to be supplied to voting members.

All candidates both new and re-standing will then be voted for under the one man one vote system with the results announced at the AGM/Members Meeting in March.