BRIGHTWELLS continue to support racing


Brightwells is delighted to continue to support the sport of Harness Racing in 2018 and announces a new £1,000 Bonus Challenge.

The Brightwells £1,000 Bonus Challenge has been introduced to reward the seller and purchaser of the most successful 2YO or 3YO that has run during the 2018 season. The Challenge is open to all 2YO and 3YO horses previously sold at the Brightwells Standardbred Sale.

Challenge points will be awarded as follows, and apply to all races a sale graduate may run in, and is not solely restricted to 2YO and 3YO races throughout the season:

10 points for a Win
6 points for a 2nd place
3 points for a 3rd place
1 point for a 4th place

£500 will be presented to both the seller and purchaser of the horse that accrues the most points at the end of the 2018 season. So, get your Brightwells Sale Graduates out racing, and you never know you might be the lucky recipient at the end of the season.

In addition, Brightwells will also continue to award their Brightwells Breeders Premium – where a prize fund is awarded to the breeders of the top three horses with the most wins, sold via Brightwells Sales; last year over £1,500 being given out to the successful recipients.

Brightwells is delighted to be giving back to the sport, and this year will be supporting more race meetings than ever, further details on this will be available in due course.

This year’s Annual Brightwells Standardbred Sale will be held on MONDAY 15th OCTOBER.

For further info please contact Brightwells Auctioneers on 01568 619777.